368 research outputs found

    Sea surface salinity variability from a simplified mixed layer model of the global ocean

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    International audienceA bi-dimensional mixed layer model (MLM) of the global ocean is used to investigate the sea surface salinity (SSS) balance and variability at daily to seasonal scales. Thus a simulation over an average year is performed with daily climatological forcing fields. The forcing dataset combines air-sea fluxes from a meteorological model, geostrophic currents from satellite altimeters and in situ data for river run-offs, deep temperature and salinity. The model is based on the "slab mixed layer" formulation, which allows many simplifications in the vertical mixing representation, but requires an accurate estimate for the Mixed Layer Depth. Therefore, the model MLD is obtained from an original inversion technique, by adjusting the simulated temperature to input sea surface temperature (SST) data. The geographical distribution and seasonal variability of this "effective" MLD is validated against an in situ thermocline depth. This comparison proves the model results are consistent with observations, except at high latitudes and in some parts of the equatorial band. The salinity balance can then be analysed in all the remaining areas. The annual tendency and amplitude of each of the six processes included in the model are described, whilst providing some physical explanations. A map of the dominant process shows that freshwater flux controls SSS in most tropical areas, Ekman transport in Trades regions, geostrophic advection in equatorial jets, western boundary currents and the major part of subtropical gyres, while diapycnal mixing leads over the remaining subtropical areas and at higher latitudes. At a global scale, SSS variations are primarily caused by horizontal advection (46%), then vertical entrainment (24%), freshwater flux (22%) and lateral diffusion (8%). Finally, the simulated SSS variability is compared to an in situ climatology, in terms of distribution and seasonal variability. The overall agreement is satisfying, which confirms that the salinity balance is reliable. The simulation exhibits stronger gradients and higher variability, due to its fine resolution and high frequency forcing. Moreover, the SSS variability at daily scale can be investigated from the model, revealing patterns considerably different from the seasonal cycle. Within the perspective of the future satellite missions dedicated to SSS retrieval (SMOS and Aquarius/SAC-D), the MLM could be useful for determining calibration areas, as well as providing a first-guess estimate to inversion algorithms

    Compressibility of CeMIn5Ce M In_5 and Ce2MIn8Ce_2 M In_8 (M = Rh, Ir and Co) Compounds

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    The lattice parameters of the tetragonal compounds CeMMIn5_{5} and Ce2M_{2}MIn8_{8}(M=M=Rh, Ir and Co) have been studied as a function of pressure up to 15 GPa using a diamond anvil cell under both hydrostatic and quasihydrostatic conditions at room temperature. The addition of MMIn2_{2} layers to the parent CeIn3_{3} compound is found to stiffen the lattice as the 2-layer systems (average of bulk modulus values B0B_{0} is 70.4 GPa) have a larger B0B_{0} than CeIn3_{3} (67 GPa), while the 1-layer systems with the are even stiffer (average of B0B_{0} is 81.4 GPa). Estimating the hybridization using parameters from tight binding calculations shows that the dominant hybridization is fpfp in nature between the Ce and In atoms. The values of VpfV_{pf} at the pressure where the superconducting transition temperature TcT_{c} reaches a maximum is the same for all CeMMIn5_{5} compounds. By plotting the maximum values of the superconducting transition temperature TcT_{c} versus c/ac/a for the studied compounds and Pu-based superconductors, we find a universal TcT_{c} versus c/ac/a behavior when these quantities are normalized appropriately. These results are consistent with magnetically mediated superconductivity.Comment: Updated version resubmitted to Phys. Rev.

    Peculiarities of the emotional state of higher education students depending on the type of learning classes

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    Розглянуто особливості емоційного стану студентів залежно від виду навчального заняття. Досліджено міру самопочуття студентів та міру активності на лекційних заняттях порівняно з семінарськими і лабораторними; самопочуття та активності на семінарських заняттях порівняно з лабораторними; міру настрою студентів на лекційних заняттях порівняно з семінарськими і лабораторними заняттями,настрою на семінарських заняттях порівняно з лабораторними. З’ясовано, що у студентів самопочуття на лекціях має позитивні ознаки. Порівняно з лекціями, на лабораторних заняттях студенти мають більш позитивно виражене самопочуття. У студентів міравираженості активності більш висока на семінарах, ніж на лекціях. Порівняно з лекціями, на лабораторних заняттях студенти дуже активні. Швидкість і темп протікання психічних функцій студентів під час лабораторних заняттях мають більш високу міру вираженості, ніж під час семінарів. У студентів міра вираженості настрою більш висока на лекціях, ніж на семінарах. У якості перспективного напряму дослідження виділеноаналіз емоційних станів студентів залежно від гендерних особливостей і курсу навчання.Тhe features of emotional state of the students depending on a kind of learning classes are considered. The degree of well-being of students at lectures compared to seminars and laboratory classes, well-being at seminars compared to laboratory classes, the degree of activity of students at lectures compared to seminars and laboratory classes, activity at seminars compared to laboratory classes, the degree of mood of students at lectures compared to seminars and laboratory classes, the mood at seminars compared to laboratory classes have been studied.It has been found that the students have positive feelings at lectures. Compared to lectures, at laboratory classesthe students have positive well-being. The students have a higher degree of activity at seminars than at lectures. Compared to lectures, the students are very active at laboratory classes. The speed and pace of mental functions of the students during laboratory classes are expressed more intensive than during seminars. The students have a higher degree of mood expression at lectures than at seminars. As a promising area of research, the analysis of students' emotional states depending on gender characteristics and the course of study is highlighte

    Salinity from Space Unlocks Satellite-Based Assessment of Ocean Acidification

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    Approximately a quarter of the carbon dioxide (CO2) that we emit into the atmosphere is absorbed by the ocean. This oceanic uptake of CO2 leads to a change in marine carbonate chemistry resulting in a decrease of seawater pH and carbonate ion concentration, a process commonly called “Ocean Acidification”. Salinity data are key for assessing the marine carbonate system, and new space-based salinity measurements will enable the development of novel space-based ocean acidification assess- ment. Recent studies have highlighted the need to develop new in situ technology for monitoring ocean acidification, but the potential capabilities of space-based measurements remain largely untapped. Routine measurements from space can provide quasi-synoptic, reproducible data for investigating processes on global scales; they may also be the most efficient way to monitor the ocean surface. As the carbon cycle is dominantly controlled by the balance between the biological and solubility carbon pumps, innovative methods to exploit existing satellite sea surface temperature and ocean color, and new satellite sea surface salinity measurements, are needed and will enable frequent assessment of ocean acidification parameters over large spatial scales

    Trauma mechanism and patient reported outcome in tibial plateau fractures with posterior involvement

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    Introduction: Posterior tibial plateau fractures (PTPF) have a high impact on functional outcome and the optimal treatment strategy is not well established. The goal of this study was to assess the relationship between trauma mechanism, fracture morphology and functional outcome in a large multicenter cohort and define possible strategies to improve the outcome. Methods: An international retrospective cohort study was conducted in five level-1 trauma centers. All consecutive operatively treated PTPF were evaluated. Preoperative imaging was reviewed to determine the trauma mechanism. Patient reported outcome was scored using the Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS). Results: A total of 145 tibial plateau fractures with posterior involvement were selected with a median follow-up of 32.2 months (IQR 24.1-43.2). Nine patients (6%) sustained an isolated posterior fracture. Seventy-two patients (49%) sustained a two-column fracture and three-column fractures were diagnosed in 64 (44%) patients. Varus trauma was associated with poorer outcome on the 'symptoms' (p = 0.004) and 'pain' subscales (p = 0.039). Delayed-staged surgery was associated with worse outcome scores for all subscales except 'pain'. In total, 27 patients (18%) were treated with posterior plate osteosynthesis without any significant difference in outcome. Conclusions: Fracture morphology, varus trauma mechanism and delayed-staged surgery (i.e. extensive soft-tissue injury) were identified as important prognostic factors on postoperative outcome in PTPF. In order to assess possible improvement of outcome, future studies with routine preoperative MRI to assess associated ligamentous injury in tibial plateau fractures (especially for varus trauma) are needed. (c) 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    The emissivity of foam-covered water surface at L-band: theoretical modeling and experimental results from the FROG 2003 field experiment

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    Sea surface salinity can be measured by microwave radiometry at L-band (1400–1427 MHz). This frequency is a compromise between sensitivity to the salinity, small atmospheric perturbation, and reasonable pixel resolution. The description of the ocean emission depends on two main factors: 1) the sea water permittivity, which is a function of salinity, temperature, and frequency, and 2) the sea surface state, which depends on the wind-induced wave spectrum, swell, and rain-induced roughness spectrum, and by the foam coverage and its emissivity. This study presents a simplified two-layer emission model for foam-covered water and the results of a controlled experiment to measure the foam emissivity as a function of salinity, foam thickness, incidence angle, and polarization. Experimental results are presented, and then compared to the two-layer foam emission model with the measured foam parameters used as input model parameters. At 37 psu salt water the foam-induced emissivity increase is 0.007 per millimeter of foam thickness (extrapolated to nadir), increasing with increasing incidence angles at vertical polarization, and decreasing withPostprint (published version

    Direct targeting of hippocampal neurons for apoptosis by glucocorticoids is reversible by mineralocorticoid receptor activation

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    Prova tipográfica (In Press)An important question arising from previous observations in vivo is whether glucocorticoids can directly influence neuronal survival in the hippocampus. To this end, a primary postnatal hippocampal culture system containing mature neurons and expressing both glucocorticoid (GR) and mineralocorticoid (MR) receptors was developed. Results show that the GR agonist dexamethasone (DEX) targets neurons (microtubule-associated protein 2-positive cells) for death through apoptosis. GR-mediated cell death was counteracted by the MR agonist aldosterone (ALDO). Antagonism of MR with spironolactone ([7a-(acetylthio)-3-oxo-17a-pregn- 4-ene,21 carbolactone] (SPIRO)) causes a dose-dependent increase in neuronal apoptosis in the absence of DEX, indicating that nanomolar levels of corticosterone present in the culture medium, which are sufficient to activate MR, can mask the apoptotic response to DEX. Indeed, both SPIRO and another MR antagonist, oxprenoate potassium ((7a,17a)-17-Hydroxy-3-oxo-7- propylpregn-4-ene-21-carboxylic acid, potassium salt (RU28318)), accentuated DEX-induced apoptosis. These results demonstrate that GRs can act directly to induce hippocampal neuronal death and that demonstration of their full apoptotic potency depends on abolition of survival-promoting actions mediated by MR

    Distinct regulation of hippocampal neuroplasticity and ciliary genes by corticosteroid receptors

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    Glucocorticoid hormones (GCs) are of critical importance for maintaining brain health, but their involvement in mental disorders is poorly understood. Here the authors show how GCs act through hippocampal mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid receptors to impact the gene regulatory programs underpinning neuronal plasticity, ciliogenesis and behavioral adaptation